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Friday, December 4, 2009

Things to be done to start taking our country back

I am going to step on some toes today if you are a liberal, progressive, Marxist unionist, or Just the ordinary "Do Gooder" who feels that, criminals, druggies, neer- do- wells are just misunderstood, poor picked on individuals .You probably should skip this article, you will save some frayed nerves . We pay people to not work, we pass failing students, we assist welfare families, generation after generation, We reelect corrupt politicians, We allow our Government reps to steal us blind. Question, have you in your lifetime seen a poor politician? We have sent our children to fight a war in Iraq, Afghanistan, I am sorry we do not need any thing from these people. They are running a Jihad against us they want us DEAD. We can end the terrorist problem very simply first We inform the Muslim word that the next act of terrorism We will drop a atomic bomb on the mosque in Mecca and there will be no more black stone. If they complain then we spread pork fat all over the middle east. Then we need to take care of our problems here at home. We need to put personal pride back into our lives. We make it hard to be on the dole. We’ll help but we won’t make it a permanent thing. We have to throw out the bums in politics. Nobody who is in there now should be returned to Congress. Any Laws created must apply to everyone Politicians, their helpers, Lobbyist are not allowed in Washington D.C. Congressional Wages and wages paid to govt. employees must be approved by the electorate. In these day of Internet access to each other we must use our votes to control our politicians. In my next blog entree I am going to step down on our noble pols.

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