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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I"m getting very upset with the ways politicians are now using to run our country. They are ignoring the mandates that the constitution specifies and are passing any thing they want and are not listening to their constituents. The American people want simple understandable Laws passed by Congress not 2000 Page Laws that they have not even read. They wish that their employees would live under the same rules that they pass for the Country. They are not elite and noble, set by the grace of God, they are just ordinary misguided idiots that have exceeded their powers given under the constitution. I am going to work really hard to see that they are not reelected and that the ones we do set into their places work to cut all the excess benefits and perks that they have given themselves,Read stolen from the American Taxpayer. I thank God that there are people like Beck and Limbaugh, The Fox News,Where People can actually see the truth reported Not like on the major networks.

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