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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Illegal aliens

There is a really hot spot that triggers my ire, and its there is nothing being done about illegal aliens that are in this country. Why you ask should this upset a 77 yr. old man? The answer is this came to my attention in 1966 in Jacksonville Fla. I came in to the Fla. state office And they were running a check machine that the company I worked for made to go with IBM computer. These check were being put out for aid to Cuban refugees, Boat People was the term used then. The checks ran from $80.00 Dollars to 125.00. When I found out that they were being drawn out of the American taxpayers funds.Guess what fund it came out of Social Security, What a surprise The amount of this run was Over 1,000,000 Dollars. The Hugh amounts of money illegal aliens cost American taxpayers from then to the present is way over a trillion Dollars. We must insist that the authority Pick up and Deport these people back to their Home countries. I suggest that President Obama bring our troops, out of harms way, home. We do not need anything from either Afghanistan or Iraq. Our Politicians have been stealing us blind for year they are corrupt some are treasonous and all are politically correct. America its time to act.

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