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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The President

President Obama came into office promising many things were going tyo be done differently under his administration. Well, lets look at some of the things that this man has done.

1. The stimulus Bill, He gave money to Banks and took over General Motors and Chrysler.

2.Bailed out Fannie and Freddie Mae.

3.Dumped our missile defense in Europe and the Middle East.

4.Appointed a bunch of Liberal Czars and Marxist in his advisers.

5. Traveled extensively using Air Force One.

6.Insisted of passing a Health Care Bill that will Bankrupt the Country.

Now this is the man who is supposed to save our economy in time of recession and he spends and allows to be spend Trillions of Dollars that we do not have and is running the printing press creating Phony Money that has no backing. Wow!!!!
He should be impeached, the Man has no sense at all. We must make sure that he is not re-elected in 2012 and none of the idiots in Congress either.

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