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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fairy Tale

Today, I’m going to write a Fairy Tale. Once upon a time a boy was born to parents, the father, a black in Kenya, The mother, white American He was born in Hawaii, Kenya, wherever? Through Hard work he went to a small Junior College in, Say Los angles CA then on to Columbia, where he seemed to be the invisible man, nobody who attend the same classes has ever remembered seeing him. During this period of his he was exposed to progressive liberal thinking, which he took to like a duck to water. He also became an avowed Marxist. After graduating(no records found at Columbia) he decided to place his talents to work for the benefit of humanity.

In the next few years there seemed to be no record of his activities. Stories appeared that he visited various Mid East Countries and became a associate of certain Moslem's searching for his faith. He must have had jobs but no one will say what these were or what his duties consisted about. About this time from some where on a higher plane a savior appeared and got him into Harvard Law School.
After “finishing” Harvard and as always Looking for opportunities to aid him in his quest to become the savior of Mankind, he found the field of politics which, seemed to provide an excellent way to assist the poor down trodden masses with their struggle for survival. With a flash of inspiration from on High, He came up with the idea of transforming the government of the only successful Republic in the known world into the socialist ideal of perfection. Gathering like minded individuals they set up a Plan. His Better half placed her considerable talents in an effort to aid his exalted Calling.

He ran for the senate position in the most politically corrupt state in the union and with certain individuals behind him, his ability to BS the electorate. HE Won!!! Being a suave talking, smooth walking, man of the moment his eyes turned to the bigger picture Washington D.C... Dancing, merrily along his way promising what people wanted to hear from a politician and actually doing nothing noteworthy that could be Documented,He was elected to the most prestigious position of power in the world President of the Republic. Now trying to implement his transformation scheme, He brought into government many like minded individuals to help him create his masterpiece of Government. The only problem was these individuals believed in socialistic ideals. Gathered from idiotic ranting, literature, and theology of Marx, Chavez, Castro and any other liberal progressive cults to assist their plan,
Now, the founders of this Republic had written a Constitution 200 years before this man came on the scene, it had carried this Republic to being the freest most enlighten Government ever seen on the face of this planet. It had preformed noble through Wars, discords, political upheavals and the individuals that lived under the capitalist system had the most amount of freedom and life style enjoyed any where in the universe. Their views of Government had been to keep it small and able to serve its citizens in the most efficient way possible. It gave Laws that allowed its citizens the right to bear arms to protect their Homes etc. from excessive interference from criminals and others that did not have their best interest at heart.
Now, our Boy with his advisors a bunch of crooked, corrupt ,criminal politicians decided to recreate Utopia, and change this free Republic to something that its founding fathers would and could not recognize. This fine upstanding young Gentleman and advisors with their touchy, feelly, progressive socialistic ideals looked at the working class, the middle class, then  the rich, and Lo an Behold, like a lighting bolt out of a blue sky they saw these classes had so much and the poor so little that he and his advisors took a failed idea that had been tried and failed in Russia, Cuba,Venezuela . Viola, we will go back to the idea of slavery we’ll take the upper classes money and have the Government redistribute it to the poor and after takinga reasonable 99% fair share to reward their efforts in behalf of the poor down trodden ed masses disturbed the 1% to the poor to ease their suffering. It seemed like such a good they put it through the congress, late at night behind closed doors.
Upon the World a new day dawned other Nations looked upon this new idea of Government with utter dismay, this Administration had taken the Free Republic and created a new socialist Country. They put its monetary system in Debt with 12 trillion Dollars worth of Debt,106 trillion Dollars of unfunded obligation, a  Debt Load on each and every citizen of 340,000 Dollars man ,woman, and child. Lo(now) they achieve their Goal a Third World Poor country with all depending on the Government for all their needs,  from a country of abundance and opportunities, to a state of complete Slavery With the Masters acting as God.
I wish to state this a Fairy Tale any resemblance to anyone living or Dead is purely coincidental. Also any appearance to actual reality is coincidental.

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