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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crooks, If it walks like a Duck

When are you going to demand that Crooks in Congress be punished and sent to Jail where Crooks belong? Charles Rangel has been at least under investigation over a year. Byrd and Murtha should both have been censured for their actions in Congress. Pelosi and Reid have both exceeded their authority stated in the constitution and none of you have had the courage to put a stop to their excesses.

Do any of you Politicians have any balls to do an honest action for the good of the country? I intend to work very hard to prevent the re- election of any politician who fails to follow the constitution.

Noble Leaders

Well here we go again, our noble Leaders are going to save us poor unenlightened peons. They going to put us so far in Debt that our Great, Great, Great Grandchildren will never see the light of day and will be perpetual Slaves. I cannot believe these Idiots. Where do they think this money to pay the piper is going to come from? God?

Call, Write but get the message to the leaders of Congress and the President that sooner or later they are going to have to make a move and do what their constituents are demanding. Be annoying, demanding, pushy, obnoxious, whatever gets their attention it’s our only hope.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The IDIOT'S are at it again

Well after a three weeks hiatus, I'm back. It's nice to have company but a very tiring experience.

Well Pelosi and the rest of the Idiots Brigade are back at it. What is it that they do not understand about NO? Health Care and other Spending is a NO NO!!!! I suggest everyone send a message to their Senators and Reps stating again Loudly you IDIOT'S LISTEN TO YOUR BOSSES!!!!

I suggest that we use rude language, because they don't seem to understand English, My copy is going to Two Fla Senators, My one Representative, Pelosi and the other Idiot Reid And the President and whatever other IDIOTS I Can contact.

WHAT A SHAME HERE A MAN THAT COULD BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT in History if He only had the fortitude to take the Bull by the horns and curtail the spending and every thing else and really listen to his constituents and do what He Promised to do when he ran for the Office of President He's really hurt the image of Politicians.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

an indifferent Sunday

Well I'm tired of bashing Politicians so I'm laying back and watching the Olympics and the Daytona 500. Its a reward day for me doing absolutely nothing of importance.
Hopefully next week The Idiots will be back in focus.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Is Happening

Listening to the Talking Heads,Democrat and Republican Politicians, one would think that they really they know what is taking place in America Politically. I, for One, hope that they do not. What I think will be a great chance for chance for Americans to take back control of their Government it will be necessary for people to use their own common sense and elect individuals who have had nothing to do with running Governments, and elect people with financial abilities and who understand that you can't get out of debt by spending money.

The Tea Party Movement is a great start. I hope to influence people to use the Internet to communicate with each other and hopefully advance qualified individuals to run for town state and national position. These individuals should be honest and not want the Job. If we can call upon them to serve the Republic Maybe our Grand Children and Great Grand Children will have a fighting chance for a decent Future.

Please comment and let everyone know your feelings on this endeavor.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Idiots are doing it again

Question, In Georgia the head of the School Administration spent 400,000 Dollars to send his Teachers to a conference in Hollywood Ca. using Stimulus money that was supposed to be used to create jobs, WHY? Is there no checks on how this money is spent?

How much more waste of these funds are not being reported ? What in the Hell is Congress doing???

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Idiots

I see that the idiots in Congress have done it again, in two different ways. 1st They gave them selves a nice raise after making sure that their constituents needs were taken care of and their Social Security was not increased. I am sure that they wished to be able to be sure they had the money to raise their small salaries. Then they increased the amount that they could spend in Congress. They do not get it!!!!!

It is very important that you write and tell Bye, Bye. Join the Tea Party movement and make sure that they are not reelected. Do not vote for anyone who is now in Congress. If you do it’s a vote for slavery.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama's Budget

Today President Obama put in a spending bill of 3.5 Trillion Dollars, we have to cut spending not increase it if they are serious the budget should be in low billions. Where are our politician’s heads at? Dammed if I know, but it looks to be up a dark hole.

WE need to bite the bullet and make cuts in the federal payroll. The private systems have made cuts but Federal systems keeps on getting Bigger and Bigger. This is why we keep getting deeper in Debt. Why can’t they see it? I know that my social security will be cut I’m willing to accept that. I’ll probably be cut in half, but that is what it is going to take to get out of this mess.

Now, if they make the cuts in Government as in the private section. They would still be way ahead of what the private section earns. A Congressman pay is 170,000 dollars, with the cut, it would be 85000 Dollars. Bureaucracy Salaries in the Government Service we would have one hell of a saving.

I would suggest everyone write to all the Power that be and demand that these cuts take place. I’m sending this to the President, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, My Senators and my Rep.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Odd Ideas

I was sitting and contemplating on some of the problems that We come up with in dealing with everyday events,and I began to wonder where these ideas actually come about in our lives. For example, When we go into stores such as Wally Mart and are walking down the aisles We walk either,left or right,in the aisles. When we drive on roads we stay to the right,in the store any thing goes.Why is this? Wouldn't it aid in eliminating the confusion caused by this practice if We only followed the rules of the road and stayed to the right.

Another little quirk that I've noticed When we meet anew individual, we shake hand say glad to meet you, after talking awhile we say we'll have to get together sometime
it's been good to meet you. Then we usually go our way and later say why haven't we contacted So and So? I don't know why,but it happens. I guess its just because we feel more comfortable with our older acquaintance. But it sure doesn't add to our list of friends.

This is just a couple of oddball things that bother me about life it seems we are always in such a rush we forget to smell the roses so this year, one of my new years resolutions are take time to make new friends.

Obama's economy

Pres.Obama Plans to cut out Space Travel to the Moon to save money in the Budget. What an idiotic idea!! The space endeavor has added so much to our Knowledge in the areas of Medicine alone that makes it worth the money that has been invested.

Why not eliminate Loans to countries that are our enemies and not our friends examples,Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Syria,Russia,France,Italy all countries that are avid USA knockers,which we have been supporting since the end of World War II. Not to mention the far East Japan,China,Laos etc. The amounts that we spend on them will more than allow us to expand our Space Program.

Let's begin the next great expansion of Mankind and Colonize the Solar system so that we can get the minerals and our products that we need to allow Mankind to advance into the future and continue our greatness as a free people.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A crock of nothing

What a crock of nothing, if Obama thought that this State of The Union message is going to help his status as President, in my opinion, it was complete BS. We the American People need to find leaders that have our interests as their most pertinent order of business.

Why can’t our elected officials look at a problem in our economy and come up with a workable solution? Evidently this has been a problem that they have faced for many years. If they would look back in our history, they would find that Roosevelt helped solve the unemployment problem, in his era, by starting work programs that offered immediate employment for the unemployed. This did not take Billions of dollars in stimulus funds. Why didn’t our leader s use a simple solution like this?

Sometime, I am glad I on the down side curve of life, but I fear for my grand children, and following Generations. I really hope that some of the younger generations will see the solution is voting self serving idiots out of office it the only way that the American People can take their Government back into their hands.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Young Voters your vote makes a difference

Today looks to be one historic gain for the American people. If the election in Massachusetts turns out for Brown it means that the American people can control the idiots in Congress by voting.

This should show younger people, your vote does count when you use it. Now you can Begin to bring your ideas into the mainstream of Government.

Thank God for our forefather foresight, America the Republic seems alive and well

our vote makes the difference

We need people to call their Senators and Reps. And let them know that if they don’t vote as the people want on Health Care they are ending their political Careers.

They can Vote it through, because they have the votes, but they best not do it because we control the Congress. There is nothing they can do to stop Americans to get the Government that works for them, just vote for the one that will give the best Government and we will win the Battle .

Today looks to be one historic gain for the American people. If the election in Massachusetts turns out for Brown it means that the American people can control the idiots in Congress by voting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

a few toughts

Just a few thoughts to ponder, what do schools teach today? Do schools teach any worthwhile subjects? What are American Children being taught about the history of our Country?

It has always amazed me that schools always put more effort into teaching students that they must go to college to succeed in their life’s endeavors. Many go to college and the education that they receive do not really help them in making a living. Many go into trades and provide an excellent income for their families.

Where did the ideas come from that all of us should be educated to college levels? Not every student needs to be college educated. All jobs are important from garbage collators to sewer plant worker all deserves a livable wage. It is more important to pay the lower class worker a better wage than the idiots in Congress.

We need to elect leader like the Gentleman from Utah , who lives in his office and votes against the over spending in Government. Look for people in your area who would uphold the Constitution while representing you in Washington .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Saving America

We as the people of the USA, are the dumbest, laziest idiots in the entire universe. We listened to President Obama say everything is going to be in the open, but Ha-Ha its not. Why? Because we are idiots, we accept these idiots in Congress, we do not insist on honesty, on truth, we elect the sleaziest people to represent us and we are now seeing the results of it. We are becoming Slaves.

Now comes the big Question can this be stopped? The answer is yes if every voter will vote out everyone who is now in Government, Everyone, no exceptions. They will scream and say that the country cannot run with any experienced people at the Helm. I ask you can it get any worst. The one's that are elected will have to go in and clean house. They will have to take away all the benefits the previous Congresses had given themselves away and they should prosecute them on criminal charges and place them in Jail for their crimes against the American people. They should redo all laws, eliminate all unnecessary buearatic jobs, and cut the salaries and benefits that have been given to cronies. They should eliminate all unnecessary laws and regulations that have been emplaced in Congress. They also have to look at the justice system and reform that also, so for their first four years it means hard work and a lot of sacrifice on the part of the American people.

They will only be allowed to serve one term and one term only. The size of government will have to be cut in half and maybe more to make it more efficient. The Social Security and Welfare systems will have to be revamped, Immigration Laws must be enforced and our borders made secure. This will not set easy with people who expect to be taken care from cradle to Grave. I hope the Americans have the backbone to save the Republic. It will not be an easy task, but if we are to remain a free people these are the steps that are necessary to take.

This is the opinion of and old opinionated curmudgeon who has tried to be a good citizen moral and upright and who is human and made probably every mistake in the book. But I love my country, my friends, my children, and grand children and all. I served when called and have voted in every election since I came of age. I call on the younger Generation to stop using the excuse my vote won't count use it and I guarantee that it will and you can change the

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hidden Adgenda

Today they are back talking behind closed doors, this is wrong, no Congressional business should be block from Public View. President Obama stated that he would bring these negotiations into the light so the Public could see what is happening in these Congressional Debates.

Americans should write and call their representatives and tell them to debate in Public view. Americans must pay attention to what these politicians are doing or the ball game is over. Make noise, let the Politicians know they are our employees even though they do not want to believe this fact.

American have the responsibility to keep the American Dream alive.