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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The IDIOT'S are at it again

Well after a three weeks hiatus, I'm back. It's nice to have company but a very tiring experience.

Well Pelosi and the rest of the Idiots Brigade are back at it. What is it that they do not understand about NO? Health Care and other Spending is a NO NO!!!! I suggest everyone send a message to their Senators and Reps stating again Loudly you IDIOT'S LISTEN TO YOUR BOSSES!!!!

I suggest that we use rude language, because they don't seem to understand English, My copy is going to Two Fla Senators, My one Representative, Pelosi and the other Idiot Reid And the President and whatever other IDIOTS I Can contact.

WHAT A SHAME HERE A MAN THAT COULD BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT in History if He only had the fortitude to take the Bull by the horns and curtail the spending and every thing else and really listen to his constituents and do what He Promised to do when he ran for the Office of President He's really hurt the image of Politicians.

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