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Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama's Budget

Today President Obama put in a spending bill of 3.5 Trillion Dollars, we have to cut spending not increase it if they are serious the budget should be in low billions. Where are our politician’s heads at? Dammed if I know, but it looks to be up a dark hole.

WE need to bite the bullet and make cuts in the federal payroll. The private systems have made cuts but Federal systems keeps on getting Bigger and Bigger. This is why we keep getting deeper in Debt. Why can’t they see it? I know that my social security will be cut I’m willing to accept that. I’ll probably be cut in half, but that is what it is going to take to get out of this mess.

Now, if they make the cuts in Government as in the private section. They would still be way ahead of what the private section earns. A Congressman pay is 170,000 dollars, with the cut, it would be 85000 Dollars. Bureaucracy Salaries in the Government Service we would have one hell of a saving.

I would suggest everyone write to all the Power that be and demand that these cuts take place. I’m sending this to the President, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, My Senators and my Rep.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget to mention that 1.4 trillion of that budget is to be borrowed. That's more than the largest budget in the Reagan years. The last time I knew it was impossible to get out of debt by borrowing. The lawmakers know that this is not correct but it's become all about votes. I don't remember who said that democracy works until the government figures out how to bribe the people with their own money. That time has come and gone. Government spending at all levels is about 42% of GDP. Socialism is where government spends about 38% of GDP. If we don't get wholesale changes in personnel in D.C. in Novemeber, the people are just plain idiots and may never get it. At least not until it's too late.
