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Friday, January 29, 2010

Odd Ideas

I was sitting and contemplating on some of the problems that We come up with in dealing with everyday events,and I began to wonder where these ideas actually come about in our lives. For example, When we go into stores such as Wally Mart and are walking down the aisles We walk either,left or right,in the aisles. When we drive on roads we stay to the right,in the store any thing goes.Why is this? Wouldn't it aid in eliminating the confusion caused by this practice if We only followed the rules of the road and stayed to the right.

Another little quirk that I've noticed When we meet anew individual, we shake hand say glad to meet you, after talking awhile we say we'll have to get together sometime
it's been good to meet you. Then we usually go our way and later say why haven't we contacted So and So? I don't know why,but it happens. I guess its just because we feel more comfortable with our older acquaintance. But it sure doesn't add to our list of friends.

This is just a couple of oddball things that bother me about life it seems we are always in such a rush we forget to smell the roses so this year, one of my new years resolutions are take time to make new friends.

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