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Thursday, January 28, 2010

A crock of nothing

What a crock of nothing, if Obama thought that this State of The Union message is going to help his status as President, in my opinion, it was complete BS. We the American People need to find leaders that have our interests as their most pertinent order of business.

Why can’t our elected officials look at a problem in our economy and come up with a workable solution? Evidently this has been a problem that they have faced for many years. If they would look back in our history, they would find that Roosevelt helped solve the unemployment problem, in his era, by starting work programs that offered immediate employment for the unemployed. This did not take Billions of dollars in stimulus funds. Why didn’t our leader s use a simple solution like this?

Sometime, I am glad I on the down side curve of life, but I fear for my grand children, and following Generations. I really hope that some of the younger generations will see the solution is voting self serving idiots out of office it the only way that the American People can take their Government back into their hands.

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