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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Saving America

We as the people of the USA, are the dumbest, laziest idiots in the entire universe. We listened to President Obama say everything is going to be in the open, but Ha-Ha its not. Why? Because we are idiots, we accept these idiots in Congress, we do not insist on honesty, on truth, we elect the sleaziest people to represent us and we are now seeing the results of it. We are becoming Slaves.

Now comes the big Question can this be stopped? The answer is yes if every voter will vote out everyone who is now in Government, Everyone, no exceptions. They will scream and say that the country cannot run with any experienced people at the Helm. I ask you can it get any worst. The one's that are elected will have to go in and clean house. They will have to take away all the benefits the previous Congresses had given themselves away and they should prosecute them on criminal charges and place them in Jail for their crimes against the American people. They should redo all laws, eliminate all unnecessary buearatic jobs, and cut the salaries and benefits that have been given to cronies. They should eliminate all unnecessary laws and regulations that have been emplaced in Congress. They also have to look at the justice system and reform that also, so for their first four years it means hard work and a lot of sacrifice on the part of the American people.

They will only be allowed to serve one term and one term only. The size of government will have to be cut in half and maybe more to make it more efficient. The Social Security and Welfare systems will have to be revamped, Immigration Laws must be enforced and our borders made secure. This will not set easy with people who expect to be taken care from cradle to Grave. I hope the Americans have the backbone to save the Republic. It will not be an easy task, but if we are to remain a free people these are the steps that are necessary to take.

This is the opinion of and old opinionated curmudgeon who has tried to be a good citizen moral and upright and who is human and made probably every mistake in the book. But I love my country, my friends, my children, and grand children and all. I served when called and have voted in every election since I came of age. I call on the younger Generation to stop using the excuse my vote won't count use it and I guarantee that it will and you can change the

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