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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The IDIOT'S are at it again

Well after a three weeks hiatus, I'm back. It's nice to have company but a very tiring experience.

Well Pelosi and the rest of the Idiots Brigade are back at it. What is it that they do not understand about NO? Health Care and other Spending is a NO NO!!!! I suggest everyone send a message to their Senators and Reps stating again Loudly you IDIOT'S LISTEN TO YOUR BOSSES!!!!

I suggest that we use rude language, because they don't seem to understand English, My copy is going to Two Fla Senators, My one Representative, Pelosi and the other Idiot Reid And the President and whatever other IDIOTS I Can contact.

WHAT A SHAME HERE A MAN THAT COULD BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT in History if He only had the fortitude to take the Bull by the horns and curtail the spending and every thing else and really listen to his constituents and do what He Promised to do when he ran for the Office of President He's really hurt the image of Politicians.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

an indifferent Sunday

Well I'm tired of bashing Politicians so I'm laying back and watching the Olympics and the Daytona 500. Its a reward day for me doing absolutely nothing of importance.
Hopefully next week The Idiots will be back in focus.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Is Happening

Listening to the Talking Heads,Democrat and Republican Politicians, one would think that they really they know what is taking place in America Politically. I, for One, hope that they do not. What I think will be a great chance for chance for Americans to take back control of their Government it will be necessary for people to use their own common sense and elect individuals who have had nothing to do with running Governments, and elect people with financial abilities and who understand that you can't get out of debt by spending money.

The Tea Party Movement is a great start. I hope to influence people to use the Internet to communicate with each other and hopefully advance qualified individuals to run for town state and national position. These individuals should be honest and not want the Job. If we can call upon them to serve the Republic Maybe our Grand Children and Great Grand Children will have a fighting chance for a decent Future.

Please comment and let everyone know your feelings on this endeavor.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Idiots are doing it again

Question, In Georgia the head of the School Administration spent 400,000 Dollars to send his Teachers to a conference in Hollywood Ca. using Stimulus money that was supposed to be used to create jobs, WHY? Is there no checks on how this money is spent?

How much more waste of these funds are not being reported ? What in the Hell is Congress doing???

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Idiots

I see that the idiots in Congress have done it again, in two different ways. 1st They gave them selves a nice raise after making sure that their constituents needs were taken care of and their Social Security was not increased. I am sure that they wished to be able to be sure they had the money to raise their small salaries. Then they increased the amount that they could spend in Congress. They do not get it!!!!!

It is very important that you write and tell Bye, Bye. Join the Tea Party movement and make sure that they are not reelected. Do not vote for anyone who is now in Congress. If you do it’s a vote for slavery.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama's Budget

Today President Obama put in a spending bill of 3.5 Trillion Dollars, we have to cut spending not increase it if they are serious the budget should be in low billions. Where are our politician’s heads at? Dammed if I know, but it looks to be up a dark hole.

WE need to bite the bullet and make cuts in the federal payroll. The private systems have made cuts but Federal systems keeps on getting Bigger and Bigger. This is why we keep getting deeper in Debt. Why can’t they see it? I know that my social security will be cut I’m willing to accept that. I’ll probably be cut in half, but that is what it is going to take to get out of this mess.

Now, if they make the cuts in Government as in the private section. They would still be way ahead of what the private section earns. A Congressman pay is 170,000 dollars, with the cut, it would be 85000 Dollars. Bureaucracy Salaries in the Government Service we would have one hell of a saving.

I would suggest everyone write to all the Power that be and demand that these cuts take place. I’m sending this to the President, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, My Senators and my Rep.