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Friday, April 8, 2011

Statement on our Government

To all Federal and State politicians and all concerned United States Citizens;

I'm sad to see the way that idiots have taken control of Government and unqualified and unprincipled people end up in the leadership positions and rise to position of power where the citizens have no control over what is happening. To me personally, it is that the liberal thinking, that is so predominate in our society today has totally ruined at least two maybe three generations abilities to run our country ethically and morally. If the Tea Party strategy fails and the Politicians do not get spending and big Government downsized, I am coming to the conclusion that America is fast becoming a debtor third world nation and the Politicians are very happy about the situation. Slavery seems to be the only outcome that is possible if the American People allow the politicians to keep running the country this way.

It's to bad that none of you look at the spending that you do with the American taxpayers money.
You live like you are rich, you use limousines, chauffeur driven. You take unnecessary fact finding
trips using the most expensive ways to travel,you maintain offices and staff in way to many locations.
You do not economize. Every office has the most costly furnishing and are not even run efficiently or with any eye to economize or cut costs. Your meals are all very extravagant set in the most posh style, your offices are run with no sense shown in any of your day to day operating cost. If you are serious about getting out of debt then put the Kibosh to these things and go back to the way the republic operated before . Cover our money with something valuable not paper.

Yet when the talk comes about cutting costs you never mention your extravagances. Some how this does not seems right. The rich, middle class and the poor seem to bare all the cuts. Salaries paid the Washington Bureaucracy are sinful and should be cut in half over the board. The President, Senators and representatives should be made to pay their own expenses. Lobbyist should be outlawed, and any monies they have been given be triple taxed and no deductions for the companies giving the funds.

However, I realize this is not going to happen because you are only paying lip service to ideals of Democracy The saddest part, its not happening in just Government it's in the whole American economy. There is no loyalty no morality, no employees ethics and a big lack of common sense in everyday business. The country has sent jobs oversea to get cheaper labor yet there has been no reduction the cost of items to reflect the saving that manufacturers have made with no lower costs to benefit the U.S. consumers. We still pay the same price as if the goods were manufactured by U.S. Labor.

I am also saddened to see the indifference in the younger Generation they seem to have no principals or moral qualities, they think everything should come their way and be given to them as a right. They will not exercise their rights to vote saying that it does no good. The work ethic is a joke, If they don't have calculators they can't even add ,subtract,multiply or divide and if the electric power goes out they do not have the ability to make change or carry on with their tasks by self thinking..None wont to or seem able to do any hard psychical labor.

I have been receiving some distressing email lately and if the documents that it includes are factual
it seems that Pres. Obama really is not an American citizen. It also suggests that the American Government is becoming as crooked Chicago,Illinois Politicians. It is a very worrying thing.,yet every
talk is about the problems and nothing is being done to fix them except very minor cuts usually based on aids to health,education,or benefits to the elderly.

We maintain Military Bases around the World and send support to countries that are not our friends in an attempt to buy their loyalty which has only been ignored by the recipients.

The Muslims are running a Jihad that has been declared against us, yet we continue to support their regimes. They intend to kill all in opposition to their beliefs and our Politicians are aiding them in doing this. Does this not seem strange to any except me?
When someone says they are going to kill you and all your people who believe as you do. I do not believe that they are friends.

I have some suggestions to help us cut the budget and help us overcome our debts. Its going to cause changes that will upset some but if implemented will bring the nation back to a stable financial position. These suggestions will have to be put in place over a period of time.

Have President Obama produce his birth certificate this seems to me a very simple thing to
do and it will eliminate the problem.

Close all overseas Military Bases And bring the Troops home

Make the dollar valuable again bring it back to the Gold backed Standard. This can be accomplished by cutting our money to what it is really worth. So instead of a dollar you probably will only have 2 cents.

Have the Congress take back the control of the Federal Reserve so that our money can be
placed on the gold standard either or something that will make it something of value not just paper.

Enforce our immigration laws all illegal immigrants will be rounded up and sent back to their home countries.

Cut all foreign aid we are broke we cannot afford to support the World . The money should be used for American Needs

Next cut all Government employees Salaries and base them on Military Pay. The men who give
our freedoms deserve more than bureaucrats. The President would be equal to a General's Pay
and all salaries will be based on this scale. Government puts no money into American

Redo our election system so it does not cost millions to run for office. There is no need for Politicians to have to spend so much time to be elected. Three weeks should be all the time allowed to mount a campaign.
I know that this is probally not a pratical thing but it seems to me that it would be a place to
To all Federal and State politicians and all concerned United States Citizens;

I'm sad to see the way that idiots have taken control of Government and unqualified and unprincipled people end up in the leadership positions and rise to position of power where the citizens have no control over what is happening. To me personally, it is that the liberal thinking, that is so predominate in our society today has totally ruined at least two maybe three generations abilities to run our country ethically and morally. If the Tea Party strategy fails and the Politicians do not get spending and big Government downsized, I am coming to the conclusion that America is fast becoming a debtor third world nation and the Politicians are very happy about the situation. Slavery seems to be the only outcome that is possible if the American People allow the politicians to keep running the country this way.

It's to bad that none of you look at the spending that you do with the American taxpayers money.
You live like you are rich, you use limousines, chauffeur driven. You take unnecessary fact finding
trips using the most expensive ways to travel,you maintain offices and staff in way to many locations.
You do not economize. Every office has the most costly furnishing and are not even run efficiently or with any eye to economize or cut costs. Your meals are all very extravagant set in the most posh style, your offices are run with no sense shown in any of your day to day operating cost. If you are serious about getting out of debt then put the Kibosh to these things and go back to the way the republic operated before . Cover our money with something valuable not paper.

Yet when the talk comes about cutting costs you never mention your extravagances. Some how this does not seems right. The rich, middle class and the poor seem to bare all the cuts. Salaries paid the Washington Bureaucracy are sinful and should be cut in half over the board. The President, Senators and representatives should be made to pay their own expenses. Lobbyist should be outlawed, and any monies they have been given be triple taxed and no deductions for the companies giving the funds.

However, I realize this is not going to happen because you are only paying lip service to ideals of Democracy The saddest part, its not happening in just Government it's in the whole American economy. There is no loyalty no morality, no employees ethics and a big lack of common sense in everyday business. The country has sent jobs oversea to get cheaper labor yet there has been no reduction the cost of items to reflect the saving that manufacturers have made with no lower costs to benefit the U.S. consumers. We still pay the same price as if the goods were manufactured by U.S. Labor.

I am also saddened to see the indifference in the younger Generation they seem to have no principals or moral qualities, they think everything should come their way and be given to them as a right. They will not exercise their rights to vote saying that it does no good. The work ethic is a joke, If they don't have calculators they can't even add ,subtract,multiply or divide and if the electric power goes out they do not have the ability to make change or carry on with their tasks by self thinking..None wont to or seem able to do any hard psychical labor.

I have been receiving some distressing email lately and if the documents that it includes are factual
it seems that Pres. Obama really is not an American citizen. It also suggests that the American Government is becoming as crooked Chicago,Illinois Politicians. It is a very worrying thing.,yet every
talk is about the problems and nothing is being done to fix them except very minor cuts usually based on aids to health,education,or benefits to the elderly.

We maintain Military Bases around the World and send support to countries that are not our friends in an attempt to buy their loyalty which has only been ignored by the recipients.

The Muslims are running a Jihad that has been declared against us, yet we continue to support their regimes. They intend to kill all in opposition to their beliefs and our Politicians are aiding them in doing this. Does this not seem strange to any except me?
When someone says they are going to kill you and all your people who believe as you do. I do not believe that they are friends.

I have some suggestions to help us cut the budget and help us overcome our debts. Its going to cause changes that will upset some but if implemented will bring the nation back to a stable financial position. These suggestions will have to be put in place over a period of time.

Have President Obama produce his birth certificate this seems to me a very simple thing to
do and it will eliminate the problem.

Close all overseas Military Bases And bring the Troops home

Make the dollar valuable again bring it back to the Gold backed Standard. This can be accomplished by cutting our money to what it is really worth. So instead of a dollar you probably will only have 2 cents.

Have the Congress take back the control of the Federal Reserve so that our money can be
placed on the gold standard either or something that will make it something of value not just paper.

Enforce our immigration laws all illegal immigrants will be rounded up and sent back to their home countries.

Cut all foreign aid we are broke we cannot afford to support the World . The money should be used for American Needs

Next cut all Government employees Salaries and base them on Military Pay. The men who give
our freedoms deserve more than bureaucrats. The President would be equal to a General's Pay
and all salaries will be based on this scale. Government puts no money into American

Redo our election system so it does not cost millions to run for office. There is no need for Politicians to have to spend so much time to be elected. Three weeks should be all the time allowed to mount a campaign.
I know that this is probally not a pratical thing but it seems to me that it would be a place to
To all Federal and State politicians and all concerned United States Citizens;

I'm sad to see the way that idiots have taken control of Government and unqualified and unprincipled people end up in the leadership positions and rise to position of power where the citizens have no control over what is happening. To me personally, it is that the liberal thinking, that is so predominate in our society today has totally ruined at least two maybe three generations abilities to run our country ethically and morally. If the Tea Party strategy fails and the Politicians do not get spending and big Government downsized, I am coming to the conclusion that America is fast becoming a debtor third world nation and the Politicians are very happy about the situation. Slavery seems to be the only outcome that is possible if the American People allow the politicians to keep running the country this way.

It's to bad that none of you look at the spending that you do with the American taxpayers money.
You live like you are rich, you use limousines, chauffeur driven. You take unnecessary fact finding
trips using the most expensive ways to travel,you maintain offices and staff in way to many locations.
You do not economize. Every office has the most costly furnishing and are not even run efficiently or with any eye to economize or cut costs. Your meals are all very extravagant set in the most posh style, your offices are run with no sense shown in any of your day to day operating cost. If you are serious about getting out of debt then put the Kibosh to these things and go back to the way the republic operated before . Cover our money with something valuable not paper.

Yet when the talk comes about cutting costs you never mention your extravagances. Some how this does not seems right. The rich, middle class and the poor seem to bare all the cuts. Salaries paid the Washington Bureaucracy are sinful and should be cut in half over the board. The President, Senators and representatives should be made to pay their own expenses. Lobbyist should be outlawed, and any monies they have been given be triple taxed and no deductions for the companies giving the funds.

However, I realize this is not going to happen because you are only paying lip service to ideals of Democracy The saddest part, its not happening in just Government it's in the whole American economy. There is no loyalty no morality, no employees ethics and a big lack of common sense in everyday business. The country has sent jobs oversea to get cheaper labor yet there has been no reduction the cost of items to reflect the saving that manufacturers have made with no lower costs to benefit the U.S. consumers. We still pay the same price as if the goods were manufactured by U.S. Labor.

I am also saddened to see the indifference in the younger Generation they seem to have no principals or moral qualities, they think everything should come their way and be given to them as a right. They will not exercise their rights to vote saying that it does no good. The work ethic is a joke, If they don't have calculators they can't even add ,subtract,multiply or divide and if the electric power goes out they do not have the ability to make change or carry on with their tasks by self thinking..None wont to or seem able to do any hard psychical labor.

I have been receiving some distressing email lately and if the documents that it includes are factual
it seems that Pres. Obama really is not an American citizen. It also suggests that the American Government is becoming as crooked Chicago,Illinois Politicians. It is a very worrying thing.,yet every
talk is about the problems and nothing is being done to fix them except very minor cuts usually based on aids to health,education,or benefits to the elderly.

We maintain Military Bases around the World and send support to countries that are not our friends in an attempt to buy their loyalty which has only been ignored by the recipients.

The Muslims are running a Jihad that has been declared against us, yet we continue to support their regimes. They intend to kill all in opposition to their beliefs and our Politicians are aiding them in doing this. Does this not seem strange to any except me?
When someone says they are going to kill you and all your people who believe as you do. I do not believe that they are friends.

I have some suggestions to help us cut the budget and help us overcome our debts. Its going to cause changes that will upset some but if implemented will bring the nation back to a stable financial position. These suggestions will have to be put in place over a period of time.

Have President Obama produce his birth certificate this seems to me a very simple thing to
do and it will eliminate the problem.

Close all overseas Military Bases And bring the Troops home

Make the dollar valuable again bring it back to the Gold backed Standard. This can be accomplished by cutting our money to what it is really worth. So instead of a dollar you probably will only have 2 cents.

Have the Congress take back the control of the Federal Reserve so that our money can be
placed on the gold standard either or something that will make it something of value not just paper.

Enforce our immigration laws all illegal immigrants will be rounded up and sent back to their home countries.

Cut all foreign aid we are broke we cannot afford to support the World . The money should be used for American Needs

Next cut all Government employees Salaries and base them on Military Pay. The men who give
our freedoms deserve more than bureaucrats. The President would be equal to a General's Pay
and all salaries will be based on this scale. Government puts no money into American

Redo our election system so it does not cost millions to run for office. There is no need for Politicians to have to spend so much time to be elected. Three weeks should be all the time allowed to mount a campaign.
I know that this is probally not a pratical thing but it seems to me that it would be a place to start.
Posted by cal's web at 9:35 AM
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I am a 70+ year old man still fairly active, in fair health, married, and interested in many things.
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