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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crooks, If it walks like a Duck

When are you going to demand that Crooks in Congress be punished and sent to Jail where Crooks belong? Charles Rangel has been at least under investigation over a year. Byrd and Murtha should both have been censured for their actions in Congress. Pelosi and Reid have both exceeded their authority stated in the constitution and none of you have had the courage to put a stop to their excesses.

Do any of you Politicians have any balls to do an honest action for the good of the country? I intend to work very hard to prevent the re- election of any politician who fails to follow the constitution.

Noble Leaders

Well here we go again, our noble Leaders are going to save us poor unenlightened peons. They going to put us so far in Debt that our Great, Great, Great Grandchildren will never see the light of day and will be perpetual Slaves. I cannot believe these Idiots. Where do they think this money to pay the piper is going to come from? God?

Call, Write but get the message to the leaders of Congress and the President that sooner or later they are going to have to make a move and do what their constituents are demanding. Be annoying, demanding, pushy, obnoxious, whatever gets their attention it’s our only hope.